Well, I know my blog has been a big let down as of late. I feel like a big disappointment. The truth of it is Whippy Cake is kicking my trash. It owns me and almost every minute of my spare time. I hate saying that because I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me and I especially don't want anyone to think I am seeking pity but I also feel like I should shed a little light on reality. Owning a business is tough stuff. There is so much to it that any one person could ever handle alone. I have hired the best people I know to help out and I still feel like I can't get ahead of the game. I've been feeling a little defeated lately. Normally I have a "I can do anything" attitude but recently it's been more of a "Just get through today" attitude. You can't possibly know how hard it is for me to admit that, especially on the world wide web but I have thought about it long and hard and I think that it's important for people to know the icky stuff too. I'm constantly asked "How do you do it?" and inside I say to myself "I'm not, I don't, I can't". If anyone has the idea that my life is 100% glamorous all the time then I hope this post isn't too disappointing.
It's not that work has piled higher than usual, I think I'm just running out of steam. I think people do that every now and then. I'm hoping any day now my Super Woman complex will return to me and I will have the devotion and energy to handle everything with my "I'm gonna Kick Ass" attitude I usually adopt. In the mean time I apologize for my particularly unpleasant personality and lack of energy.
Again, I don't mean to be a pessimist or a dolly downer. I just thought you should know that even the girl behind Whippy Cake has her ups and downs every once in a while. Being under the weather hasn't helped either but prayer is always uplifting and I do have the best people around me and the sweetest kisses from Miss Messes and Mr. Karate Chop. The good news is it has been a really REALLY long time since I felt like this and that makes me feel blessed, plus I was probably long over due for negative bout. I'm looking forward to a bright return with the long awaited video tutorials and a giveaway from a new vendor you will ALL freak over.

Love you! You ARE pretty awesome, but also human.
You know the ancient saying; " you can't become freakin AMAZiNG without a little crappiness along the way" or something profound like that...
Misses Boss, you are in my prayers;)
Aww, I'm sorry you're feeling like this- I definitely have my days, and I'm just a student! Just rest assured that we all LOVE you to pieces, and will support you however your business is going. You are wonderful.
keep your chin up chick, and i'll be prayin for ya. everyone goes through crappy times, and i think it's just God showing you that yes you can make it...and you'll be stronger.
The blog world is always here, time with your family is not.
I agree with Allison, you are wonderful!
Your someone I look up to, and it's kinda nice knowing that even you get down too! Not that I ever want you to get down, but it makes me feel like it's okay to feel a little overwhelmed at times, and maybe even have a tiny pity-party for a short while. i'm sure you'll pick up again soon, but until then, your in my thoughts and prayers. miss you and your cute little family!
Heey! I know how you feel and it's not a crime. Hope your energy will return soon.
You're a great example for people! But you'll need time to yourself and your family too! :-)
(Sorry, if my english is not that good, i'm from the netherlands haha)
Good luck, You'll be fine!! :D
Oh Becki,
You are only person, love. What you do is great. What you've accomplished is great. No one expects perfection from you. I hope you find your kiss-ass attitude. And no worries, sometimes ass is a warranted. LOL!
I'm just some random blogger that happened across your blog a few months ago.
As someone who is trying to make my dreams come true, I appreciate you being so honest and open with the ups and downs of the whole adventure. It helps me continue forward in hopes my time will come too.
Don't be afraid of being honest with yourself. Sometimes all it takes is a little venting to turn things around!
Thank you! What a wonderful post today. I am glad to know that even the Fabulous Miss Becki has "those times". You are so adorable and amazing and talented! I completely understand the feeling. You WILL pull through it, and things WILL get better! That is what I look forward to when I feel like I've had my "trash kicked". As Dori from Nemo would say, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming...". I look forward to your bright return and know that it is just over the horizon. Thank you for such a fun blog and for sharing all of your cuteness us. Love ya! (And I hope my asking about makeup tutorials didn't put you over the edge. If it did I AM sorry!)
Chin up buttercup! We love what you do and we know how business has taken off for you! Now that you've got it off your chest, I'm sure you barrel through it all and come out on top!
You do an amazing job so don't get down on yourself.
Take a break and we will be here when you come back!
Thanks for admitting that you aren't always Super Woman! I know it is hard to admit one isn't perfect all the time.
The sunnyside is just around the corner :)
I hope you feel better soon and I agree with the rest of the crew, take a break and come back once you've had a chance to catch your breath. We'll be here! :) ~Sam
I love you sis!! You are amazing and it WILL get better, promise!!!
I absolutely looove your brand! I found you a few months ago through Sierra Studios Photography who has done some work for my shop too (Baby Flair Boutique).
I know *precisely* how you feel. I just closed my handmade shop after one year of running myself completely ragged. (A lot of other circumstances surrounded my closing, so I'm not suggesting you do the same)... Anyway, you're not alone. Every handmade business owner I know is in the same situation. It's almost impossible to manage every single aspect of a company like we do. Even when you're not working, your mind is consumed with it! You can never get a break, and so many people are depending on you to "deliver the goods".
I'll make a commitment to pray for you.
Blessings and lots of love from San Diego :)
Hey Becki,
You just have to realize that you are NOT wonder woman. None of us are.... I KNOW more than most that running a business is hard work (I run mine AND my husbands AND take care of 2 kids). Just started a blog of my own (as if my plate wasn't full enough!) and last week was hospitalized because my heart was beating irregularly. The doctors ran all the tests and basically told me to slow down, lay off the caffeine, and take breath.
Your work can wait until tomorrow these precious years when our children are young will be gone before you know it! So take a minute and REALLY PLAY with your kids. Take a moment and enjoy your family and soon you will find your renewed sense of wonder woman attitude! I know mine is starting to return!
You, your family, and your business will be in my prayers!
Love and Hugs,
Ok, first you not only said ass once...you said it twice. Just sayin...
Two, be strong. You're right, owning a business is hard stuff. Stress is so physically exhausting. But look at what you have accomplished. Each and every day. I know it's good sometimes to let us know - you're human BUT YOU ARE A STRONG capable, confidant, amazing, talented, smart, can do kind of girl. Don't feel like you gotta spill it all out...it's ok. Just take it one day at a time...and enjoy the ride.
The future is bright. Stay organized. Keep your customers happy. Keep YOU happy. Keep your family happy. Everything else will and always does, just work out for the incredible good.
Best wishes for loads of continued success!
Ok, first you not only said ass once...you said it twice. Just sayin...
Two, be strong. You're right, owning a business is hard stuff. Stress is so physically exhausting. But look at what you have accomplished. Each and every day. I know it's good sometimes to let us know - you're human BUT YOU ARE A STRONG capable, confidant, amazing, talented, smart, can do kind of girl. Don't feel like you gotta spill it all out...it's ok. Just take it one day at a time...and enjoy the ride.
The future is bright. Stay organized. Keep your customers happy. Keep YOU happy. Keep your family happy. Everything else will and always does, just work out for the incredible good.
Best wishes for loads of continued success!
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