Hello all, it's me Wendy blogging for you today... I know you LOVE the amazing Miss Becki, but I hope you will be inspired by what I have to share today....
The importance of two little words...Thank You... This small phrase can validate, inspire, and can also give peace and closure. We all probably have Thank you's that have not yet been said or sent, so I encourage you to take care of some of those "Thank You's" today. It feels good, it continues the love cycle!! After all the kind things we have been running around trying to do for others, you have to admit it is nice to hear, and helps us to feel the love a little more.. Maybe it's a selfish thing to want to hear those words, but I am pretty sure, everybody wants to hear them..
I have been blessed in my life with examples of Charity, my Family and I have had numerous acts of kindness done in our behalf, we are always THANKFUL, but sometimes they have been anonymous, which means thanking gets a little tricky. Recently my Hubby dropped his wallet at a Crowded sports complex. It had all the usual important things like ID, important numbers, credit cards, and a whopping $70.00 in cash. We were pretty bummed about the cash, especially at that time, it was a lot of dough for us, and it was much needed. Anyway, by the time my Husband had traced, and retraced his steps, and we made all the necessary calls to cancel our cards, a very GOOD Samaritan had driven the 20+ minutes to our address and left his wallet outon the hood of our car.. Everything was the way it had been left, including the $70... No note, just pure humble kindness.. We thanked our Heavenly Father, I cried like a baby, and my children learned another lesson about LOVE... we were so happy, not only because of the money and hassle it saved us, but we were deeply touched that someone would be so selfless, for us. That act continues to affirm what we already believed, and how we continue to live this life..
But for today I would like to publicly Thank whomever it was that weekend, who became our hero...
OK, While I was writing this post something hit me like a ton of bricks... Today is the day,
I have goose bumps......
This is pretty heavy stuff, I hope you don't mind me using this opportunity....
There is a Thank you that I have never been able to properly say...
An anniversary of a Thank you that has still gone Unsaid....
I need to say Thank you to someone who saved my life, literally saved me when I was 7 yrs old. I was in a car accident with my parents and my little sister, it was September 8th, 1979, on a 2 lane Highway. It turned into a Horrifying day, but a day that Hero's were born.. My Dad was one of them. (But that is another story) so Yes it was many years ago, but I see it in mind like it was yesterday.. The truck was on fire, my Dad, broken and fading on the road, our sweet Mommy and little Sister already gone... My pretty long hair, that mom had put into French braids for our trip, my back and shoulder and new outfit were burning too. I leaned my head out of the crumpled Chevy, and started screaming, it felt like an eternity, an eternity of strangers staring at me, when finally some guy, just a regular looking guy (my Hero that Day) came running over to the wreckage and flames, reached in and pulled me out. To this day I don't know if he injured himself while saving me, I don't know how he could have done what he did without being burned too, but I do KNOW he risked his own life to save mine...
It was a sad, and tragic day, yet it was filled with miracles that have blessed the lives of my Dad and I ever since... so on this Anniversary, now it's a day past, I would like to Thank that Man who wasn't thinking of himself when he pulled me out of a burning nightmare. I Thank You, my Family, Husband and Children Thank You ...
I know one day that I will see you again, even if it's not in this Life, I feel confident I will recognize you, and I will wrap my arms around you, and Thank YOU! :)

This is a picture of the little girls who were in that accident, it was taken a 2 years before.... Me and my little Sister Stephie..... I miss you, and Mom everyday.
Goodness, Miss Wendy, you gave me goosebumps. LOL!
And for my thanks, I want to thank my dentist, Chris Cannon of Comfort Dental. I have more cavities. I was disheartnened to hear that since we just found out that my hubby needs to have all 5 (yes, 5) of his wisdom teeth pulled. It's not going to be a simple procedure for him, so the cost is astonomical. (We're a one-income household.)
But Dr. Cannon is going to fill them free of charge for me. :-)
It is those little things that we're so appreciative of.
Thanks for sharing, Wendy.
Wendy, What a precious and personal story! Thank you so much for sharing it and for the reminder of how important those two words are. I'm jotting down a long list of people I need to say "thank you" too.
Love you lady!
That was a lovely and beautiful post. How true, the reminder for us to say thank you! I just posted on gratitude yesterday! So it must be a theme out there...
Thanks for sharing such a personal story! It is always amazing to me, the people that will do things like that without thinking of themselves.
I originally started reading your blog because of your hair videos :) I'm really thankful that I have found it though, your posts are always inspiring to me. A little reminder on how to live your life, even if things get hard for you.
So, I must give a big Thank you to you as well!
I know that story...
it still gives me chills.
It takes an amazing person to find gratitude in the face of such tragedy!!!
Miss Wendy!! You just made me cry and realize how IMPORTANT those 2 words can be at anytime!! I say it all the time, but you never know how much it really means until you see something like your AMAZING story!!
Thank YOU!!:) Lots of love to Whippy Cake!:)
I Love you Wendy! I often thank my heavenly father for the wonderful friends I have in my life!
Wendy, Wendy, Wendy...you know you are my hero. And my bff. And my sister from another mother. I love you more than my luggage. Thank you for being YOU and making me laugh every single day. I love you girl.
What an amazing post. You are so strong, and what a humble, gracious way to say thank you and continue the blessings in your life.
Thank you.
Wow wow wow. What an experience. Thank you for sharing.
Life is so very fragile. What emotional story. I thank your mystery hero too.
Thanks for sharing such a personally profound story. There are truly angels all around us. And we can always start to pay it forward by saying the simplest words....Thank you! Wow...Wow! What an inspiring group of women you all are at WhippyCake. (((hugs)))
wow...thank you for sharing...it was nice to meet you yesterday in church...(C-1 ward) your work is beautiful...I can't wait to get my order in...great gifts for xmas :) my little girls will look so cute!!!!
I never knew this about you. I cannot imagine what a life you faced without your Mom and little sister...just you and your Daddy facing the world together. When I met you way-back-when I never would have guessed. Nor would I have guessed today, with your beautiful family - adoring husband and precious children. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I already knew you were fabulous. Now I also know you are strong, courageous, inspirational and a hero in your own right.
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