1. The lovely Bride to Be. She really is one of the most beautiful people I know! I'm so very lucky to know her :)

2. The CAKES!!! Oh my word! The cakes by Shye were unbelievable! (No, really. The guest did not believe the cakes were real) Once you get past how undeniably perfect they look it's almost unimaginable how great they taste. She also threw in some decadent cake balls and chocolate covered pretzels. Mmh Mmh Mmmmmmmh!

3. I was particularly proud of myself for making the party favors, especially after I cheated and purchased all the food instead of baking anything. I was making a few homemade terrariums for my studio with mini bird nests when I had the idea to use them for my party favors. I lucked out and found just enough bird nests, faux birds and sea-foam beads for the earrings for everyone on the guest list. It was super quick and easy to make and assemble all the earrings and place them in the nests with the little whimsical birds on top I just might need to add them to my store. A pat on the back for me.

It was so nice to mix and mingle with all of Rennai's closest friends and family and I really enjoyed their company. I appreciated all the help and kind words as well. It was a beautiful little party with very beautiful people. I'm so glad I got to be a part of it and I'm so happy for Rennai and this very exciting step in her life. Love love LOVE you buddy!!!
what a FABULOUS job, it's just gorgeous!! LOVE the earrings and I'm sure everyone that got a pair did too! You ARE the hostess with the mostest!!!!
I love how much class you have, Becki! Glad it all came out well. Congrats to Rennai!
And BTW, can I purchase a pair of those earrings?! They would look perfect with my Whippy Cake choker!
Beck, absolutely gorgeous.
Love it! You did a great job.
Beautifully done, my dear! Do I sound like a grandma? haha. Seriously though, it's gorgeous!
Funny! I met Shye at a boutique I participated in in September. She is sooo cute and her stuff was definately delish!!
What a beautiful shower!!! I love the earrings!
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