Well, I just had the urge to search again and holy GUACAMOLE I found them!!! Thank you AMAZON! The only down fall is it's 3:45am and I can't call anyone or even scream and run around the studio doing my happy dance. Instead I emailed my sister the link so she can get in on the perfect booties also. Sorry to my blog for being the second to hear the good news. You can bet your britches I added all FOUR colors to my Amazon favorites widget on the left. Are my bold, all caps and large words getting annoying? I use them when I am very VERY excited!

It being 3:45am I almost went crazy and bought them in ALL four colors but reason piped in so I didn't... Or because it's 3:45am I ignored the voice of reason when it told me to buy all four colors. Crap.
Nothing to do now but wait in agony for them to show up on my door. One thing is for sure, when they do get here, I will have a very intimate photo shoot with those suckers on my feet!
fReAkInG out people!!!!
Made me LAUGH! =D
Ooh...nice. I love when things like that work out! Can't beat the price. I'm a girl who needs her ankles covered to be warm. Thanks for sharing!!
I bought these at Target a few weeks ago and they are soooo comfy! I get tons of compliments on them! I know you ordered them already but if you don't want to wait they have them AT Target!
Hilarious post! I always late night online shop & absolutely hate that I can't call all my girls to share my latest stroke of consumer genius. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Come by and enter my giveaway for some beautiful jewelry if you like! http://elizabethsdailyadventures.blogspot.com/2010/11/artwark-giveaway.html
Woohoo! The tan ones are in my size. I hope the hubster approves, because these are divine!
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