At this time of year during the thought provoking moments of gratitude I absolutely MUST give thanks for these ladies and express my gratitude to them. Although I am absolutely terrible and awkward at being sentimental the least I can do is try.

Wendy- My right hand. My brain is mush without you and my heart is full because of you. How much there is to learn from you and how blessed I am to know you. Thanks for always bringing me back around to what is important and for sharing my burdens.
Carli- (my sister) thanks for always being willing to share the stress with me and for always responding to my picture messages and my late night ideas via text and for quitting soda w/ me and then un-quitting soda with me over and over again. You have so sweetly taken on so many roles.
Aubrey- (my other sister) aka - the machine! Nobody dominates like you do and you have rescued me more times than any sister deserves. Thanks for your pep talks and for always keeping me pointed in the right direction.
Lorna- The girl who needs no training. Thank you for being so talented and available and for thriving the way you do. Your optimism astounds me and your perseverance moves me to tears.
Katie- My personal suggestion box. Thank you for your peppy and fun pace and for always being willing to do more at the drop of a hat. You're a fountain of ideas and always anxious to help with anything!
Kelseigh- The only thing sweeter than cake is you. Thank you for being the most dainty and feminine thing a girl can be. Your sweetness and romantic style inspires me time and again and your help is so important to me.
I could honestly go on and on about all the things you each help me with and all the wonderful things I love about each of you. I have a feeling I have only glimpsed a small portion of how fortunate I am to have the help of all of you.
To all you Cake Lovers out there who can't live without your Whippy fix I want you to know that without these girls there would be NO CAKE! Gasp!!! It's true, which is why we should all express how thankful we are to the Whippy Cake Bakers.
Hugs and Kisses girls!
Thanks so much Becki! I am Thankful for not only my job, but for your friendship! Your creative genius, never ceases to amaze me!
What a sweet post. Its sounds like you have some amazing girls that you work with.
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