We have been completely OVERWHELMED by the LOVE we have felt from the response to our POST last week, asking for your candidates to be pampered for a day.
So let us say a big heart felt "THANK YOU" You did NOT disappoint! We should have known better, you all are so amazing and have the biggest hearts.... Seriously, we have been inundated by letters about the amazing people who have been beyond selfless, they are courageous, and dare we say these ladies are Hero's..
O my Heck! we have been on an emotional RoLlErCoAsTeR, we have felt incredible JOY at the humanity, displayed. And we have shed many a tear while reading about these remarkable women who are Hero's in the lives of the people they touch. I am emotional right now thinking about the fact that we can only pick one... This has been a very difficult, and heart wrenching task, having to narrow it down to one special person... We are soo very humbled by these stories, we want to take care of every single lady! Becki and our little Whippy Cake team can only do so much.....
We have an IDEA!!!
Now, we obviously can't devote a whole day to each candidate, but we would like to spread a little love to each one...
Here is what we are asking for... We know that many of you are creative, and have mad skills, if you would like to donate some of your time, like styling someones hair, or creating a piece of jewelery, or gift for a Mommy in need, or giving a gift certificate to your Shop, or even from your favorite vendor, we would LOVE to mention your generosity and in the Spirit of Christmas give each lady some JOY! I have goosebumps just thinking about it!! We know that you already are very generous and busy taking care of others...
But just imagine, if you were to help, by giving a little more to these phenomenal people that you may or may not know, we could create a
admin@whippycake .com
I would love to donate a piece of luxe boulevard. We will be in touch!
I am in, just let me know what you want!
I am a cosmetologist, so I would love to help with hair and makeup!
I am also a hair stylist and would love to help beautify these heroic women. My email is emilyandjdee@gmail.com.
P.S. I love your blog
emailing you now!
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